- Memoria Press
- Geography I –The Middle East, North Africa, and Europe
- Grades 4 and up
- Geography Set Includes: Text, Workbook, Teacher Guide, United States Review student workbook, United States Review Teacher Key
- $48.00 Geography Set
About the Company
Memoria Press is a family run company that was founded in 1994. They produce products for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. All their products use a classical Christian education approach. Memoria Press strives to make all their products easy to use for families who are not familiar with the subject matter. An area that Memoria Press prides itself on is the price of their programs. They are designed to be affordable and not a drain on the bank account.
About the Product
Geography I covers The Middle East, North Africa and Europe. This comprises the area that was ancient Rome. Explore the historical context of each region alongside the present day look at the region. Bringing both the past and the present together creates a deeper understanding of the ancient lands of the Greeks and Romans.
The Geography I set also includes The United States, States and Capitals Review. This workbook is designed to be used as a review to help with retention. It is also written so that students who have not learned states and capitals will not be at a disadvantage, but will learn them with this book.
ClarkClan Thoughts
I used this product with both Ben and Rebekah. We received one full Geography I set to review. When I looked through the book, I knew it would be a product that fits our learning style, so I immediately ordered a second workbook set. I think Memoria Press has met its goal with the pricing of their products. With the second workbook set only $11.95 for the Workbook and $5.00 for the United States workbook it was not a hard ship to order the second set. I did not order the Student Text as I figured they could share.
We would work on this three times a week. I would sit together with Ben and Rebekah and we would take turns reading the student text out loud. Then we would open the workbooks, go over the questions, then I would have them sit at the table and work independently to write down the answers.
This is a straightforward, no fluff text and workbook. We like that in our schoolwork. Ben especially likes to get the information, get to work and be done. This Geography Set is perfect for that style. Each chapter of the text focuses on one country. Each country is laid out in the same manner. The first part is History’s Headlines, focusing on the past. Then the Tour of Today brings the focus of the country into the present. A chart of fast facts completes the reading of each chapter. A map shows the country and geographical features.
When Ben and Rebekah would work in the workbook, I would have already gone over answers with them. Then I expected them to fill out the workbook and label the map. I would then check their work for them.
I would use the Teacher Guide to grade the workbook pages, as well as run copies for the Quizzes and tests. I used the Teacher Guide for The United States review books in the same manner.
ClarkClan Recommendation
My children and I enjoyed using these workbooks. As I stated earlier it suited our style of learning. I would recommend this curriculum to families who like workbook style learning. It is not a hands on curriculum, but we found it to be very informative and easy to use. I really liked that a study of The Middle East, North Africa, and Europe also included review on the United States and Capitals. I do not think I would have bought a separate book to review this if it had not come as part of the set. But, I was very happy to have it as the review was great for my kids.
As a full service curriculum company, Memoria Press offers many different products. I reviewed their Geography I set, but other Crew Mates reviewed their Prima Latina program. Visit the Crew Blog to read the opinions of the Geography and Latin programs.

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