A Comprehensive Art Program Designed to Involve the Student in the Creative Process While Developing Observational Skills
- ARTistic Pursuits presents: Elementary 4-5 Book Two, Color and Composition
- by Brenda Ellis
- Written for 4th and 5th grades
- Price: $47.95
About the Product
ARTistic Pursuits is a curriculum company focusing on teaching art to students from Kindergarten through High School. A variety of art lessons teach both expressive and technical aspects of art. Artistic Pursuits is designed to meet the needs of homeschoolers.
ARTistic Pursuits works with the interests of the students to teach them observational skills as well as learning to enjoy the process of creating. . Skills emerge as students progress through the book while observing nature closely.
Each Unit in an Artistic Pursuits book includes 4 lessons that follow a predictable pattern. Lesson One includes two parts: Conceptual Application and Expressive Application. Lesson Two includes: Practical Application and Art History. Lesson Three includes: Technical Application Lesson Four is: Practiced Application.
ARTistic Pursuits is not a step by step How to Draw book. Students using this program will practice how to observe and ponder the world around them. They are introduced to new materials and techniques and then given an opportunity to practice what they learned.
ClarkClan Observations
During the winter of 2011, we were given an opportunity to review a High School level Artistic Pursuits book. Sarah, who was 13 at the time, loved the curriculum. (You can read that review here.) Because of this past experience, when I told Ben and Rebekah that they were going to review an ARTistic Pursuits book of their own, they were quite excited.
We received Elementary 4-5 Book Two, Color and Composition. From the first lesson on the Color Wheel, Ben (11) and Rebekah (9) were enthralled. Since the book is designed for students to use independently, I started from the very first lesson letting them read it for themselves. I instructed them to take turns reading the text out loud and then follow the instructions given.
My first observation was that while each lesson was complete, they were also not too long. Each lesson took about 10 minutes or less to read through, then the rest of the time, between 30-40 minutes, was spent in producing their art. This was great for Ben, who has a long attention span as well as Rebekah, my short attention span, needs to be doing something with her hands, child.
I was impressed to see that Ben and Rebekah both did the lesson as instructed, but then took what they were learning and used it again during their “free” time. I specifically remember from Unit One, the lesson on becoming aware of the many colors in the world around us and then translating that to artwork. Each of them drew me a picture, using the technique. But since that first lesson, I have been given 10 or so drawings, all including multiple colors for the sky or water or even grass.
Another feature that makes this curriculum a good one, in my mind, is the Art Appreciation/History lesson. This is very interesting and I love that they are looking and observing famous art pieces as well as reading the history about the artist.
Using different and slightly exotic (at least to my kids) art supplies, such as watercolor colored pencils, makes my kids want to do art. I am sure it does not hurt that they get to borrow their big sister’s supplies. We happened to have all of the art supplies needed. Nothing in the supply list is hard to find nor very expensive.
When I asked Ben and Rebekah what they would like to say about Artistic Pursuits they both just simply stated, “I really like it.” This is very high praise coming from both of them.
I would highly recommend ARTistic Pursuits. The curriculum is slow and gentle, but very effective. I realize the cost of $47.95 may seem a bit high, but after using this feel it is well worth the price.
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