The crazy life of the ClarkClan. Living a life of grace through Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Rain, Rain, Rain

We have had a very interesting two weeks of weather. Rain, lots of rain. We live in a desert. Yes, the monsoon season starts July through Sept., but the rain we have been having is something else. Instead of just clouding up and raining in the late afternoons/evenings for 10-30 minutes, we have had days and days of all day rain.

Ben described the sky as dark, depressing and oppressive. I agreed with him. I like to see my sunshine. Days of dark gray skies are really unusual. Rebekah has had a hard time concentrating on her school work, more fits and fusses than usual. The kids have snapped at each other a little bit more.

The rain has been very interesting for Matt, though. With his new job as assistant to the county Office of Emergency Services, he has been out and about with weather related issues. As a volunteer firefighter, he has been out because of weather related accidents. Last night, he was awakened about 2:00am for a car accident he needed to respond to with the fire department. Then on his way home, there was a flooded intersection on the main thoroughfare of the town.The city public safety department was busy with calls, so Matt directed traffic around the flood. He then came home, went to be for about 2 hours and was up and back to work by 8:00am.

Some forecasts are calling for rain for the rest of the week. The sun came out this afternoon and we went outside in it. I told the kids we needed to go outside for our daily dose of vitamin D. We will get through the rain. Well, maybe the dog won’t, he hates the thunder, I have had a shadow stuck to my leg for the past two weeks. But we know that the rain will end and we will go back to our normal, sunshine day after day after day.

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