- Homeschool Physical Education Curriculum
- Fitness 4 Homeschool – Core 1
- K-8 Curriculum – Good for the whole FAMILY
- No previous knowledge of physical education needed
- 260 lesson plans/ minimal preparation time
- Assessment Tools to help track progress
- Encouragement emails
- Online Webinars
- Lifetime access to all program updates and revisions
- Available for a one time payment of $57.00
I have kids that like to be active. They play outside, ride bikes, rollerblade, but I have never specifically done physical education with them. Family Time Fitness has changed this fact. We now have a specific time for PE and are having a blast doing it.
Family Time Fitness has created a physical education curriculum that allows homeschool parents to teach PE easily. The program is designed to fit every age and ability. Using a structured program helps to provide the building blocks of proper physical development. The curriculum is customizable to fit any schedule and can be used in almost any space, either indoors or outside. It is progressive and sequential but also utilizes repetition. While it is marketed specifically for K-8th grade, the Core 1 curriculum is designed so the entire family can join in the lessons.
Family Time Fitness also offers a High School Physical Education program. This is a foundational strength course and helps to meet the PE requirement for high school. A co-op program with 52 lessons is available for use in a group setting.
ClarkClan Experiences
We have found this program to be very easy to use and a lot of fun. The supplies were minimal and we had most everything or were able to obtain it at the dollar store. Ben(10) and Rebekah (9) were the main kids to use the program, although Sarah (15) joined us at times and mom did the exercises along with the kids.
The PDF files come in batches of 20 lessons each. So to familiarize myself with the program, I printed off the first file which was 62 pages long. I found out that all I really needed to print off were the last 20 pages. The first 40 pages are in depth descriptions including internet links for each exercise. These are good for the parent to look over beforehand and make sure they know how the exercise works. The last 20 pages are one page summaries. These give the equipment needed and the names of each exercise so the parent can quickly glance at the sheet to see what is coming next
Each session begins with warm-up exercises. These stretch the muscles out and get them ready for the more active section. Activity/Game play comes next. This is the “get your heart pumping” make you sweat part of the session. My kids had a great time with these activities. The cool down has the muscles being stretched out again. The session ends with an outdoor activity, if you so desire.
Except for the outdoor activity, all activities can be done indoors. We have a fairly small house, but were still able to accomplish the exercises indoors. At one point, we decided to do the entire session outside, but quickly decided it was not for us as the grass made the kids itchy when they were laying down for the stretches as well as ants crawling over them made a not so pleasant experience.
I was surprised at how much we enjoyed this program. I thought that since the kids were active, they were getting the exercise they needed. While it is true they were getting exercise, there were things that they needed to work on. For example, I learned that Ben had never learned to skip. So we taught him. It was absolutely hilarious when Ben was learning to skip and in a way only a 10 year old boy can, stopped, looked at me and said, “And WHY do I want to learn to skip?” He learned. We also learned that even though he is very active and plays sports such as tennis and golf, he was not very flexible. The warm ups and cool downs have helped with this. Rebekah as well has gained a lot from this program. She is more confident in her movements and had a great time learning the new stretches and playing the games.
Initially, I thought that there was too much repetition in this program. But after using it consistently for over a month now, I have changed my mind. My kids have not complained at all about doing the exercises again and again, in fact they like that they can feel themselves getting better at them. I also liked that each session was not competitive. Each kid was able to do the best of their ability without feeling like they were competing against each other.

Many of my Schoolhouse Review Crew mates also reviewed Family Time Fitness. Click on the banner above to read what they thought about the program.
Disclaimer: As an Independent contractor for The Old Schoolhouse and member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew I received a PDF download of Fitness 4 Homeschools for free from Family Time Fitness in exchange for my honest review of their product. All opinions given are mine and/or my children’s.
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