The crazy life of the ClarkClan. Living a life of grace through Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


     Now that we are in full swing for the school year, I thought I would share a little about how I schedule our day out. 

     For years, we functioned very well with our schoolwork without a formal schedule.  I would write out a loose, this is what needs to be accomplished today, schedule and it worked.  And then Rebekah started formal school last year.  For about a month, we had tears and “great big noisy fusses” every time I told her to do something.  She just couldn’t seem to handle the changing of subjects or being told to change to something new.  So I came up with a daily schedule for her, her brother Ben and Sarah.  Matthew was 16 by this time and generally has no trouble getting anything done.

Rebekah without a schedule



     Wonder of wonders, the first week of following our schedule, we had NO tears, and NO fusses.  I found out that Rebekah loves to know exactly what happens next.  She switches subjects beautifully now, because it is written down for her.  Ben and Sarah also follow a schedule and it works great for getting everything done each day.

    So here is our schedule for Ben and Rebekah:

7:30 am Wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast and chores

9:00 am School starts with Worship

9:30 am Math

10:00 am Recess

10:15 am Handwriting

10:30 am Sonlight with mom

11;30 am Lunch

12;30 pm Reading

1:00 pm Language Arts and Spelling

1:30 pm Science

2:00 pm Workbooks

2;30 pm Unit Studies

    I have found that we just smoothly transition now. If I know that we will have to go somewhere during the day, I can go to Rebekah and tell her exactly what will be happening when and she can deal with the changes.  Life is so much better for all of us.  And best of all, no more “great big noisy fusses.”

Rebekah with a schedule




Just an Average American Mom said...

That is to funny! We have those days and weeks around here!

Vickie said...

LOL I love it! Ya know....that would have made a great ad for the Schoolhouse planner :)