The crazy life of the ClarkClan. Living a life of grace through Jesus Christ.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blogging through the Alphabet–The Letter I

Marcy from the blog Ben and Me is hosting a weekly theme Blogging through the Alphabet. This week we are on the letter I. After reading my post, visit Marcy’s blog to read what she and others have written.

I is for Inheritance. Not monetary  inheritance, but spiritual inheritance. My spiritual inheritance was brought to my mind today as we visited a small mission church.

We went to El Paso because the youth group from our church had gathered boxes of hygiene items for Ysleta Lutheran Mission. Since we only live about an hour and a half away, we decided that we should drive the items down and visit for a church service as well.

The Lutheran church, on the grounds of the Mission, is San Pablo. They are a small congregation, but one of the outreach programs is a Mariachi band. Today was Mariachi Sunday, where the Mariachi band led the music.

The entire service was enchanting. The music was fantastic, the preaching was wonderful.The sermon followed the Gospel reading from Luke 24:36-49. The Pastor brought home the point that Jesus came to wage war, war against Satan and sin. After Jesus resurrection, He came in peace. Jesus had conquered sin, death and the power of the devil. He could greet his disciples and ultimately us with “Peace be with you” because the war was over. Jesus was the victor.

As I was worshipping, I was almost overwhelmed with what a great gift God has blessed me with, a spiritual inheritance. One of the most special parts of this Sunday was walking into the little church and looking upon the Altar, Pulpit, Lectern and Baptismal Font. These pieces of furniture that decorate the front of this little church were made by my Grandfather about 30 years ago. They were originally made for another mission church and when that church remodeled they were moved down to San Pablo.

The furniture are a reminder of my spiritual inheritance. My Grandfather had a living and active faith and is now resting and rejoicing in Heaven. My Grandmother still has an active faith that she shares not only with me, her grand daughter, but also with my kids, her great- grandchildren.  My grandparents taught the faith to my mother. And my parents brought the faith to me, through the gift of Holy Baptism. My prayer is that I and my husband are teaching our children “in the way that they should go.”(Proverbs 22:6) to continue on with the inheritance.

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